Hello my name is Thomas Power and I am brilliant and perfect in every way this is my website, I love custard and white pudding, I have 3 friends that my other friends cant see, their names are Mary Mooney, Mickey Rooney and Francis, they are the hang gang, Mary has an invisible aeroplane and flies to meet me every day, One day the evil girl Virginia flushed Francie down the toilet, We don't talk to her any more, One of my friends Marcus is the only one who can see them aswell, We both go to our own club called The Mental Asylum in Kilmac, you can also meet some of my friends from the asylum here or visit their websites, One of my friends Nicki does not believe me about my other friends but o god do we have plans for him and 1 more thing THE 1 LEGGED SPACE CHICKENS ARE PLOTTING OUR DEMISE.
I'm not mad ask my camel jonjo!!!!!!!!!!